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About us and the forest

Kroksjöns Skogsretreat is run by Andrea, Kristoffer and Forest Tribe AB, on the farm Åbygget outside Unnaryd.
Almost a decade ago, we bought a farm and associated forest land together with some friends and family, with the dream of being able to live and work in the same place, to be close to nature, and to be able to tinker with things we think are fun!
But also to be able to have an existence where we set the pace ourselves, where there is room for creativity and reflection, and the opportunity to maintain a lifestyle that requires less of Mother Earth.

We have created Kroksjön's Forest Retreat for several reasons.
Partly because we want to inspire more people to get out into nature and because we like to offer great experiences, but it's also a bit of a political statement.
With the business, we want to show that it is actually possible to make more of your forest property than what conventional forestry has to offer today.
That you can also use your forest by safeguarding its social values ​​such as health and recreation.
A diverse forest that is allowed to remain also serves so much more; preservation of species, sequestration of carbon dioxide, reduced risk of forest fires and viral diseases as a result of monoculture, etc.
By visiting us, you also contribute to making this possible.


Into the Woods

In the middle of summer, when nature is in full bloom and it is bright well into the evenings, another exciting event is held here in the forest; namely Into the Woods. Here, visitors take part in fantastic concerts with the sunset over the lake as a background.
During the day, exciting workshops in everything from crafts and sustainable transition to yoga and dance, swimming in the lake, sauna or just enjoying beautiful nature in good company.

We will release a limited number of tickets for those who want to combine the festival experience with an overnight stay with us.
More info to come.
Check in and read more about Into the Woods so far!

Note! Retreat and concerts never take place at the same time, so you who come here to enjoy silence and stillness can rest assured..

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